Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Turn.

I managed to tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tounge last night. Can you?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Where In The World...?

yesterday in my spanish class i experienced the funniest thing!
i'll write out the conversation as it went.
it was between myself, jenny and um
(i forgot his name, lets call him Freshie, as he's a freshman).

JENNY: Lauren, what do you guys do in Austria?
LAUREN: um i live in Australia...
JENNY: yeah?
LAUREN: thats a completely different country, Austria is in Europe.
JENNY: ohhh i thought they were the same place.
FRESHIE: i thought Austria was a city in Australia..
LAUREN: hmm no.
FRESHIE: oh what can i say, i guess i don't really know my geology.
LAUREN: (laughs really really hard) thats the study of rocks.. you mean geography!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

hey mikey I likey

today i found a new vintage second hand store.
called buffalo exchange.
its so wonderful!

i bought a long grey cardigan, these amazing cream and grey fingerless gloves.
but there not like normal ones. they're grey, then over the top its like a knitted cream sleeve.
i love them!

i also got a cream knitted scarf! i'm so excited!
now all i need are higher than knee socks and some form of pant...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What I Want In My Wardrobe

i recently watched The Sex and the City Movie for like the millionth time.
i noticed some items of clothing that i want, i'm going to get, and what i will start wearing!
check it out

i really really want samantha's dress for my eighteenth birthday party!

i love these pearls draped over her back and this wedding dress!

i absolutely love this purse and these cut off gloves

am i crazy or is this outfit totally amazing?! a long coat, a strand of pearls, ankle boots and pyjamas...

above knee socks with a long cardigan

this diamond/crystal cupcake purse

What A Wonderful Weekend

this past weekend i went to visit my cousins in Oakland.

it was spectacular.

i left for the airport,
unfortunatly my flight was delayed by about an hour.
but it didn't really bother me.

when i landed we went home and i slept in my own room,
in a brand new bed. with my own bathroom.
when i woke up,
we went to one of my favourite places ever,
we walked around telegraph avenue and i went to the wonderful vintage
second hand store, called MARS. i bought a skirt,
which i'm going to hem, and perhaps add a singlet to make a cute dress.
then my cousins realised my shoes are completely broken.
they bought me two new pairs!

at the CAL football game. we sat in the sun, absourbed in the spirit.
so much spirit!
ate hotdogs and cheered as our team won!
that night i relaxed, home alone, while eating icecream, watching sex and the city,
reading magazines and petting the 16 year old cat, waldo.

the next day we went to the Oakland Raiders Football game.
just wow.
even though our team looses constantly
(except for the surprising winning games),
the fans have so much enthusiasum and spirit.
even more spirit.

i got the full raiders experience.
which included:
-fabulous seats (thanks to dad)
-a souvineer cup
-fake nachos
-drunk fans next to me
-spilt beer on my shoulder
-yelling and cheering
-the drunk fans next to me then throwing up
-going home in disapointment of yet another loss

after i went home,
and started yet another boring week.

oh well it was good while it lasted.
and it will happen soon again during thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

um? is there something wrong with your throat?

have you seen the movie 'The Banger Sisters'?
it's a hilarious movie.. but thats not the point.
know the part where 'Vinnie's' (Susan Sarandon) daughter, Ginger,
is driving and she does that weird throt thing?
its so funny to watch, but so annoying at the same time.

well i sit next to a girl that does that.
oh my god. its so frustrating, and difficult to concentrate.
i don't know why she does it, and i don't know if she can't help it.
i feel bad.
but ahhhh!!

just thought i'd tell you.

flight fright.

i'm going on a plane today,

to OAKLAND! yaaay!
i'm worried i'll mess something up at the airport though.
i haven't taken a domestic flight in America before.
and i'm carrying on, not checking a bag through, which i've also never done.
do i still go to the checking in desk?
i printed my ticket online. do i go straight to the gate?
how do i know where the gate is, or which one?
what if i get there late.
oh goodness. so much to think about.
i hope the flight is safe and good.
and doesn't crash.
knock on wood. fingers crossed. pray to god.
even though i don't really believe. oh well.

pray for me :)

thank you.
oh and while i'm there.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

what the shit?

um? why does facebook hate me?

i logged on about two days ago and it said i had 0 friends,
and i couldn't post anything or comment or like or message.
i left it for a day, then logged on.
it worked for about an hour, then went back to how it was.

i wouldn't mind if it did this when i was in sydney.
but i'm on the fucking other side of the world.
without my friends.
and facebook is pretty much the only way i can contact them.

now usually in this situation i would email.
but this computer is 10 years old and i can only recieve,
but not send anything via email.

how fantastic. it's just great.

and perfect timing. ugh!

please facebook! work!
soon perferably!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Blonds

i've just heard of the two designers The Blonds. i found i've seen alot of their designs and clothes before on celebrities, in magazines and in campain ads for other products, such as M.A.C Make up. i really love their clothes, they are so exagerated and over the top, but at the same time wearable. all though many of their designs are more for the runway, many of them can be worn in regular life. for example the black dress second last in these photographs.

you should look into them. they're fabulous!

how intriguing...

i find triangles very intriguing.
i don't know why.
i find them interesting and different to other shapes.

that never happened.

i just realised, you were never affectionate towards me whenever we were in a car...
you didn't even hold my hand.

It's A Horrible Thing..

if you've been talking to me or reading my blog,
you can kind of guess i've been feeling quite lonely these past few months.
i've been getting better about it though,
georgia lewis gave me some wise words of advice,
about enjoying life now, and i took that into consideration.
but for some reason today and last night,
all of that crumbled, and i'm feeling just as lonely and
sad as the day that i left, or lets say about a month after leaving.

i don't know why today,
nothing really happened to change my feelings,
it just happened.
and now i feel sad.

i really want to come home.
thank god i'm going to Oakland on friday,
for the weekend. at least that will take my mind of everything,
or maybe it'll be worse. we'll have to see.
i hope for one day i'll be able to go to San Francisco, or
hopefully Berkeley (though as i'm with the cousins, i doubt that will happen),
those to places make me so so happy! and are my two favourite places in the world!

you're probably thinking,
isn't Sydney your favourite place, because you always complain and whine
about going home soon.
but i don't really want to go home for the place,
more for the people and the comfort.
if my friends and family lived in Berkley or San Francisco,
and i lived there too,

how i wished that were true...

on the left:

on the right:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Cassette Society


i really love their clothing line

Saturday, October 17, 2009


i just finished watching Britain's next top model cycle five.
i was not happy with the outcome.

Mecia won. she was not 'model quality' in my opinion.

she looked average, her walk was not fantastic and throughout the show
she did not show her desperation for the title.

the girl who came second was sophie.
also not amazing, but she had a very unique model look,

her walk was okay, she produced wonderful photos,
all with different facial expressions and body movements.

i wanted daisy or jade to win.

jade came third, and i understand that she produced
a bad body image for teens,

as she was over coming buliemia. except she knew she needed to
put more weight on, and was gaining more weight every week to

become healthier. her photos were perfect every week, had a
wonderful runway walk and was a nice person!

daisy was the same. except with a healthier body image.

i don't know why she was only like 5th last.

just my thoughts...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


do you overreact alot?

i always expect the worse, and overreact about small little things.
its so stupid and frustrating and it makes me depressed.
and so utterly ridiculous, because when i find out the truth of what actually happened,
its not THAT bad.

oh well..

keep smiling please :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


today my school took me to see a DARK musical called Parade..

i have never been so involved and tearful when watching a musical.
it was about a jewish new yorker man accused of killing a 13 year old girl in georgia,
AMAZING and based on a true story.
it starred T.R. Knight from Greys Anatomy, and so many amazing performers.
at the end they let up ask questions and talk to them :)
it was fabulous, i can't believe i met them all!
they even nodded to me in reguard when i gave them a
standing ovation while tears down my cheeks.
i was able to sit front row, and this theatre didn't have a pit,
my feet were literally on the stage when i sat down.
INCREDIBLE, they were thisclose to me :)

a wonderful, wonderful experience, thank you everyone involved in the are superb and songs were fantastic!

(the top photo is of the whole cast whom i met)

(the bottom photo is of the HOT boy hahaha)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising


its a wonderful college that is in various places in America!

my favorite is in San Fransisco, my favourite city in the world,

mostly because thats were Berkley is :)

they have wonderful course, and they said i would be best in fashion design and fashion merchandising,


(apart from Broadway)

i hope they make one in australia so i don't have to leave everyone again, if i end up going someday...

Sunday, October 11, 2009


what a wonderful person :)
though i only met you a short time ago.
you make me smile everyday i've known you.

your locket is around my neck everyday
and reminds me of your happiness :D

you help me with life advice,
and when your sad,
i do my best to make you smile.
even if i'm in class, i'll leave just to give you a hug!

i can't wait til i can seeee youuuuu again!!
and the picture above is like our most famous picture!

i love youuuu!