There are alot of different types of people in the world. Of course if I named them, I would most likely be stereotyping, as no two people are ever
exactly the same. If you consider yourself to be 'normal' and a bit of a 'floater,' like me, you are quite a friendly person, who has lots of different 'types' of friends from different cliques. But I guess no one ever really knows what 'type' they are. If you are popular -by definition meaning liked by all - you may actually be hated by many. Or if you consider yourself to be a 'clown' people may think you are just a showoff, who is vain, as well as loud and abnoxious. Even if you don't think of yourself as any having an label, different people will still atatch a label to you, depending on their own label. And then there are those who - no matter what 'type' they are - judge others on who they seem to be, whether they are actually like that or not. You always know that one person who says "Oh, I don't talk behind people's backs." But will then go on to talk about how Gertrude Wilson (a fake name of course) is a bitch because she does. But let me ask this question to all 5, give or take, of you reading this, isn't
that talking behind someone's back? Isn't she doing the exact thing she just said she
never does? There is no such thing as someone who does not, at some point in their life, talk about someone behind their back. No matter what clique belong to, or what label they have been given (by themself or their peers). Why is it such a big deal when someone discovers they have been spoken about without their knowledge? Because chances are, when they find out, they themself will do the
exact same thing to the person they have just accused. Why do people seem
so shocked when they have overheard people talking about them? Everyone does it, whether they mean to or not, some people are just more upfront about it. The next time you get angry when someone talks about you behind your back, don't get pissed off. You do it too! Infact be thankful you are interesting enough to be a topic of conversation.
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